Opportunities and challenges in Morocco
Morocco has launched its National Water Plan (2020-2050), setting out the challenges and ambitions in the field of water in Morocco for the coming years. The Moroccan government and stakeholders want to explain these plans to the Dutch water sector and together look for opportunities for international cooperation to implement the Moroccan National Water Plan.
Morocco is facing major social challenges in the field of water management, water scarcity and salinization. It is in the top 20 countries with the highest water stress (source: World Resources Institute). The relatively dry climate offers few natural water sources. Limited quantities of groundwater and surface water are therefore available. In addition, Morocco has faced extreme drought in recent years that threatens food production and contributes to further soil salinization. This has negative consequences for the country, such as a high energy bill and the residual product: salt, but also a negative impact on irrigation and drinking water supply.
The agricultural sector is the largest user of water in Morocco. The relationship between agriculture and water is reflected in the themes of groundwater use, soil salinization and water efficiency. Despite the scarcity of water resources, the demand for water continues to increase as a result of economic development and population growth. The rising demand for fresh water requires major investments to guarantee the drinking water supply and infrastructure.
Morocco is very motivated to address these challenges. That is why Morocco has chosen to invest billions in the coming years in:
- The construction and maintenance of dams and reservoirs;
- Sea water desalination;
- Reuse of treated wastewater;
- Improving drinking water and irrigation infrastructure and reducing losses and waste;
- Strengthen the production of drinking water by expanding the network of water treatment plants;
- The improvement of water usage in agriculture and horticulture, water-saving irrigation and salt-tolerant agriculture.
The challenges in Morocco lie specifically in:
- The more efficient use of available fresh water resources;
- limiting the use of fossil groundwater sources;
- energy-efficient desalination;
- reuse treated wastewater;
- the prevention of water wastage and losses;
- water management.
Dutch innovative knowledge, services and products seamlessly meet these challenges. With the support of the Dutch government, there has been international cooperation with Morocco in recent years in the field of integrated water management (training for the Moroccan government), expert missions have been carried out in response to sudden floods and the (Dutch) solutions are being mapped out. for rainwater collection and wastewater reuse. Dutch water technology is also used in agriculture and horticulture.
Moroccan organizations
The mission gives you the opportunity to meet Moroccan parties (digitally) and to discuss specific challenges in the water sector. Think of relevant government parties that own and partly finance the ambitious water plans, such as ministries, regional government services and the state-owned electricity and drinking water company (ONEE). In addition, knowledge institutions and private parties such as OCP (largest phosphate company) Lydec (SUEZ), Redal, Amendis and sector organizations from, for example, agriculture, such as APEFEL (horticulture), also participate on the Moroccan side.
This mission will focus on targeted matchmaking between Dutch and Moroccan public and private organizations.
Read more about the opportunities in the water sector.
Business opportunities in aquaculture
Business opportunities in the reuse of wastewater
NEW! Report:‘Water in agriculture in three Maghreb countries: Status of water resources and opportunities in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia’